Mary Hollis Studio - Expressing Creativity Through Visual Imagery - Take The Journey

On Our Behalf


Silver Linings

Breathe II


Follow The Light


Pop Of Red

Whispers From Heaven

Winter Light

Visual art has been my chosen form of communication since early childhood. Painting & drawing on anything that didn’t move and snapping pictures with my Kodak instmatic allowed me to express myself when I was at a loss for words.
My formal education has been a winding path but always following my first love, creating & sharing beauty.
I received a BFA from the University of Georgia in Graphic Design in 1982, then next pursued a career in Interior Design followed by completing the Advanced Photography Curriculum at Rocky Mountain School of Photography in 2008.
My interests are eclectic allowing me to experiment with a variety of mediums including oil, acrylic, photography, metal leaf, encaustic and sculpture.
Seeing the light come through any image is what inspires me, whether painted or photographed. I am always looking for the whisper of magic to inspire and encourage me & I find great joy in sharing that with others. We are all connected by our desire to seek fresh wonder.
For more information contact me at